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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Doctor Who Monsters That Starts With R S T U V W X Y Z

The Empress of a half-humanoid, half-arachnid race known as the Racnoss. Their race was thought to have been wiped out. The Empress attempts to re-awaken her kin sleeping in their ship at the centre of the earth.
The Silurians were Earth’s first intelligent inhabitants, cold-blooded reptilians with a lifespan of over three centuries who developed a civilisation at least 300 million years before human beings evolved.
A militaristic race of clone warriors from the planet Sontar. They are small, stocky and well armoured, carrying batons and laser rifles. The Sontarans attempt to convert Earth into a breeding world for their clones, and hopefully gain them the upper hand in their war against the Rutans.
A squid-faced humanoid species from the Ood Sphere: Horsehead Nebula. The Ood have been enslaved to serve humankind. Their translation spheres replacing their hind brain which had contained their individual personalities.
Androids, mounted in booths all across the space faring version of Britain that left Earth in the 29th Century. They let people know what’s good and what’s bad. The terrified population keep them clean. Their heads can rotate to show three faces: happy; warning or very dangerous indeed. And if things get very dangerous, the Smilers can leave their booths and move around.
Stone Dalek:
Progentitor Daleks, who due to being erased from time, became a stone ‘after images’. The light from within the Pandorica restored the Stone Dalek with limited power.
They look like vampires but they are really sea-dwelling refugees from the destroyed world of Saturnyne. The true form of such creatures is a dark, leathery beast, something like a shark. They hide that body beneath perception filter that manipulates the brainwaves of whoever’s looking at them.
Weeping Angels:
A group of psychopathic hunters that take the form of Stone Angels. They can travel faster than the blink of an eye. A touch from one of the angels sends their victims into the past to live out their lives before they were even born. Or they might just snap your neck.

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