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Monday, May 27, 2013

Doctor Who Monsters That Starts With B C D

The Beast:
A gigantic ancient being claiming to be Satan himself. The Beast has been trapped for millions of years in a pit at the centre of the planet Krop Tor. He is awakened by a expeditionary force and attempts to escape his prison by using his telepathic power.
CAL is the computer core of The Library. Charlotte Abigale Lux (CAL) was the youngest daughter of the grandfather of Strachman Lux, who funded the expedition to find out what happened 100 years before. The Library was built to house Charlottes mind and give her every book available to enjoy throughout eternity. When the Vasta Narada attacked, CAL uploaded and saved the 4022 people who were in the Library at that time.
An evil race of witch-like beings. The Carrionites use the power of words to manipulate the world around them. They attempt to free the rest of their kind and return the universe to the ways of “blood and magic”.

Cat People:

A humanoid feline race. These nuns belong to an order dedicated to healing the sick. Behind the scenes they are growing artificial humans, containing and infecting them for testing.


A ruthless cyborg race. An living human brain bonded to a metal exoskeleton with emotions removed. Their goal is to convert earth’s population to become like them. Anyone incompatible will be ‘deleted’. Cybermen can kill their enemies via an electric discharge from their hands or arm cannon.
Wraith like creatures with bronze Cyber-heads. The Cybershades were created by the Cybermen for guard and scout duty. Unlike their creators, they are incredibly agile and can jump and scale walls.
A deadly mutant race housed in armoured metal casing. Their primary weapon is a death ray which instantly kills anything that comes into contact with it. They also can hover when required. Their ultimate goal is complete conquest. They were thought to have been wiped-out in the Time War…
Dalek Cann Mutant:
The last surviving member of the Cult of Skaro. Dalek Caan emergency temporal shifted to the Timewar and rescued Davros, the creator of the Daleks. The process of doing this has driven him insane, but equipped him with precognitive powers.
The creator of the Daleks. Davros was a scientist on the Planet Skaro who was left horribly scarred and crippled, forced to live in mobile life-support chair. Davros created the Daleks to be the ultimate form of life, superior to all others.
Dream Lord:
The Dream Lord seems to know all about the Doctor. He seems to be an intangible being, with no physical form, a creator of deadly dreams and delusions, who delights in being offensive and annoying.

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